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Stance Application

To secure a pitch at the event, please download and complete this form and return it along with you risk assessment form  and

copy of Public Liability Insurance Certificate .

E-mail to

If successful, your approved application will be returned as confirmation.  


Your stance (stalls/vans etc) receives two complimentary entry tickets.  Food stances receive four complimentary entry tickets and space to park a vehicle off the field.  If you have additional people assisting your stand please be aware they will be charged for admission at the gate.  This can be invoiced in advance on request.


The Committee is not responsible for any loss, damage or accident on the site.  Please attach copy of your public liability insurance certificate to application.


Cars / vans will be asked to leave the games field and park up in the football field.


A completed risk assessment / safety / hygiene certificate (as required) must be available/displayed on the stand.


Heavy goods vehicles are not permitted to enter the field.

Stance holder is responsible for removal of all waste.

Hill Race Application

On-line entry opens in May.


Highland Dancing Application

Entry forms are available 20th June 2025.  Entry closes 21st July 2025.

Event applications

For information and application forms for the events listed below:


  • Heavies.

  • Young Heavies.

  • Track and Field.

  • Tug of War.


Please apply via the Royal Highland Games Association link by clicking here.

  • TripAdvisor
  • Facebook
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