Highland Dancing
There is a full programme of Highland Dancing beginning at 10.30am for Primary, Beginner and Novice classes followed by the Intermediate and Premier categories from 1pm.
All dancers must complete the entry form and show their registration card at the gate. Entry forms are available in May.
Hill Race
The route is out and back to Ben Rinnes, the dominant hill of the region, passing the rounded summits of Little Conval and Meikle Conval on the outward and return journeys. Good terrain and easy route-finding most of the way. The only rough heathery section is between Meikle Conval and the road crossing. The race starts and finishes with a lap of the grassy sports track.
All runners must pay the Dufftown games entry fee and submit ticket upon registration.
Start Time: 12.00 noon
Distance: 22.4 km/14 miles
Climb: 1,520 m/5,000 ft
Male Record: 1:51:29 - Andrew Douglas (2021)
Female Record: 2:12:33 - Georgia Tindley (2021)
The Ben Rinnes 5 Tops Hill Race is for experienced runners over 18 years of age. Runners must carry the following with them:
Full body water proof cover (trousers and jacket)
Map, compass and whistle
Emergency food
Water stations en-route.​

Field Events
In this event there are High, Long and Triple Jumping, sprints, 800m & 1600m.
Field Events - Heavies
Highland Games are noted for their unique sporting and athletic events, many of which involve throwing and lifting. These include the Caber toss, Hammer throw and Shot put -collectively known as heavy events. Young Heavies are from 11am, Open heavies from 1pm.
Tug O'War
Two teams show their strength by pulling against each other at the opposite ends of a rope, each team tries to pull the other team over the line on the ground.
Pipe Bands
The massed bands march from the square at 13.00 to the main arena (an occasion not to be missed), they then play at intervals during the afternoon and then "Beat the Retreat" near the Square from 6pm to 6.45pm.
There were 9 bands playing in 2024 - Aberlour, Ballater, Dufftown, Forres, Huntly, Kintore, Lonach, Strathisla & Towie.

2025 Event timetable to be confirmed
2024 Event timetable
Time | Event |
10.30am | Highland Dancing (RSOBHD) - Organiser Mrs Milne 01466 792348. |
11.00am | Young Heavies 18/25 years - 16lb hammer, 16lb Ball, 28lb weight for distance, 42lb weight over bar, caber. |
12:00pm | Ben Rinnes Five Tops Hill Race - 14 miles, 5000ft of ascent. Experienced runners over 18 years of age. Registration required. |
13:00pm | Tug O'War - 725kg, mixed 580kg and 500kg. |
13:00pm | Heavy Events - 16/22lb hammer, 16/22lb ball, 28/56 weight distance, 56lb weight over bar, caber. |
13:00pm | Field Events - 90, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 metres, high jump, long jump, triple jump. |
13:15pm | Chieftain and pipe bands enter the games field |
13:45pm | Best presented pipe band competition |
14:50pm | Childrens races - 16 years and under. Neter on the field. These run as time permits, listen for announments and take care when entering the field. |
14:50pm | Piping and drumming competitions - For under 16 band members playing with massed bands on the day. |
15:15pm | Overseas visitors race - Competitors MUST be from overseas. Take care when entering the field. |
15:30pm | Drum Major Competition |
15:30pm | Massed bands on the field |
16:00pm | Gallon of Whisky and Lucky Programme draw |
16:30pm | Massed bands on the field |
17:00pm | End of games |
18:00pm | Beating the Retreat - Near the town square. |